Ashtead Bowls Club

Ashtead Bowls Club News story

Mid term homily message from your Chairman

23 Jul 2024


Hello everyone 

It’s high mid season and the club is buzzing, new members have joined us, and everyone is working 

hard to ensure ABC continues to thrive .

Firstly I would personally like to thank you all for the tremendously encouraging response to my recent 

totally unexpected cancer diagnosis and to say how much I appreciated the warmth of the

messages,cards etc. I was in Epsom Hospital for 5 days and have now been home  a week and

am pleased to say all appears to be going in the right direction.Thanks to our marvellous NHS.

I hope to pop in briefly sometime soon just to check on you all and may yet get in a couple of games

before the end of the Season . Despite wet weather and excessive heat the 

last few weeks have seen many internal and external Competitions proceeding successfully.!

Visiting competitors representing local and County clubs continue to comment favourably on the 

attractiveness of our facilities and friendliness which is all to the good.

We are top of the League in the NDL and should finish that way . The ESL is proving tough to stay

in Division 1 as anticipated but our teams continue to strain every sinew to that end (with an important 

game v Sutton at home on Saturday ). Best of luck to all our teams ,ladies ,mixed and friendly’s

for the remainder of the season.

Our club could not continue so successfully without the behind the scenes efforts of your

Management team, coaches ,Captains, tutors ,social committee, bar and Green & maintenance

crew etc etc , so on your behalf I thank them profusely for their ongoing work and commitment.!

I should also mention the dedication our President is putting into his various Challenges which

his enthusiasm will undoubtedly result in interesting outcomes at the end of the Season!

Onwards  and upwards as they say and once again a very personal thanks to all !


Chairman ABC 



